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生 活常見禮儀 (★ 聽對話內容) 本 週話題焦點:生活常見禮儀 【穿著禮儀 I】 Joyce comes up with another problem: she doesn't know what to wear for the next lunch meeting. She turns to Brian for help once again. Joyce 想到另外一個問題:她不知道下次的午餐會議要穿什麼。她再一次向 Brian 尋求協助。 Joyce:Hey, Brian, another important issue has occurred to me. I don't know what to wear for that day.
Joyce:嘿,Brian,我想到另外一個 重要的問題。我不知道那天該穿什麼。
Brian:I don't think that is a problem. Just wear formal clothing. If you are not confident about what to wear, why don't you just wear a suit?
Brian:我不認為那是什麼問題。穿正式的 服裝就好了。如果妳沒有自信要穿什麼,為什麼不穿套裝就好了呢?
Joyce:Oh, Brian. You are a man. You can wear a suit, a shirt, and a tie. That will definitely make you look professional. But a suit will no doubt make anyone my age look old.
Joyce:喔,Brian。你是一個男人。 你可以穿西裝、襯衫和領帶。那樣絕對會讓你看起來很專業 。但是任何我這個年紀的人穿套裝的話,無庸置疑,會看起來老氣。
Brian:Oh! No wonder my girlfriend always complains about spending too much time finding the right clothes to wear every morning. Well, I'm not good at what women should wear. Maybe you should talk to Vanessa. She's quite a dresser.
Brian:喔!難怪我女朋友每天早上老是抱 怨說要花太多時間挑適當的衣服來穿。嗯,我對女人要穿什麼不是很在 行。或許妳應該和 Vanessa 聊聊。她很會穿衣服。
:Yeah, I'll talk to her. Thanks, anyway.Joyce:對啊,我會和她聊聊。無論如何, 還是謝啦。

重 要字詞講解1. come up with 想出;提供
例:Joyce comes up with
another problem.
(Joyce 想到另外一個問題。)例:He came up with
a good idea for solving the problem.
※ 小叮嚀:
當我們要表達「腦中出現事情、想法、或問題」時,可以 用 "come up with" 表示。2. turn to someone for help 求助於某人
例:She turns to Brian for help
once again.
(她再一次向 Brian 尋求協助。)例:If it is too difficult for you, it's ok to turn to someone for help
(如果它對你來說太難,你可以找人幫忙。)3. occur (v.) 想到
例:Hey, Brian, another important issue has occurred
to me.
(嘿,Brian,我想到另外一個重要的問題。)例:It occurred
to me that I have seen the man somewhere before.
※ 小叮嚀:
"occur to" 用來表達「想到」,有「一件事物突然跑進腦子裏」的意味 ,所以主詞是「想到的事物」,to 後面接「想到的人」。常用「It occurred to me + that 子句」的句型表達「我突然想到 …」。 4. no doubt 無疑地、肯定
例:But a suit will no doubt
make anyone my age look old.
(但是套裝肯定會讓我這個年紀的人看起來老氣。)例:She is no doubt
the smartest girl I have ever seen.
※ 小叮嚀:
"no doubt" 是一個副詞片語,中文可以翻成「無庸置疑」。5. quite a dresser 很會穿衣服的人
例:Maybe you should talk to Vanessa. She's quite a dresser
(或許妳應該和 Vanessa 聊聊。她很會穿衣服。)例:She is quite a dresser
, and every month she spends half of her salary on her clothes.
※ 小叮嚀:
quite 後面必須先接冠詞再接名詞,可用來表示「很厲害的;很棒的 ;不尋常的」,此為比較美式的用法。dresser 在此指「穿著講究的人」。
1. While I was trying hard to ____ ____ ____ some ideas for this project, it ____ ____me that I could ____ _____ Josh ____ help.
(當我正努力為這個計畫想些點子時,我突然想到我可以 找 Josh 幫忙。)
2. She is ____ ____ ____. Every morning when she walks into the office, ____ ____ she catches everyone's eyes.
(她很會穿衣服。每天早上當她走進辦公室,肯定都會吸 引大家的目光。) 請 先 練 習 再 看 解 答
解答1. While I was trying hard to come up with some ideas for this project, it occurred to me that I could turn to Josh for help.
(當我正努力為這個計畫想些點子時,我突然想到我可以 找 Josh 幫忙。)2. She is quite a dresser. Every morning when she walks into the office, no doubt she catches everyone's eyes.
(她很會穿衣服。每天早上當她走進辦公室,肯定都會吸 引大家的目光。)
相 關實用句型解析1. 某人想到 ...。
主詞 + come up with + 想法。例:Joyce comes up with another problem.
(Joyce 想到另外一個問題。)
例:I could not come up with a better answer than this one.
(我想不出一個比這個更好的回答。)2. 某人想到 ...。
某事 + occur to + 某人。例:Another important issue has occurred to me.
(我想到另外一個重要的問題。)例:It occurred to me that my son will visit Palace Museum.
(我想到我的兒子將要參訪故宮博物院。) 小試身手
1. Samantha 想到一個好主意。
______________________________ ______________________________ _________
2. 是誰想出這個推廣產品的好方法的?
______________________________ ______________________________ _________
請 先 練 習 再 看 解 答
解 答1. A good idea occurred to Samantha.
2. Who came up with this good idea for the product promotion?

單字大補帖 ◎基本字彙   clothing (n.) 衣 服 發 音   complain (v.) 抱 怨;控訴 發 音   formal (a.) 正 式的 發 音 ◎一般字彙   issue (n.) 問 題,議題 發 音   confident (a.) 有 信心的;有自信的 發 音   definitely (adv.) 明 確地,明顯地 發 音 ◎ 進階字彙   professional (n.) 專業人士 發 音


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